Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reflection on another completed course

This will be my last post on my current class Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. Throughout this course I learned more than I thought I would. I love to use technology in my classes so this course helped me out a lot with ideas for my classes.
The biggest lesson I learned in this course was about how to use a GAME plan. I have covered the GAME plan method a ton in my previous blogs so I won't cover those details again. I have learned that the GAME plan can be a great tool for teaching new technologies. In my classes I use lots of new technologies like Google Earth and Sketchup.
On that note Google Sketchup is a new technology that I barely knew before this class. Now I know how to use this technology and how to use it in my classroom thanks to my GAME Plan and my fellow students' ideas. This week actually I am starting a unit with one of my classes using Google Sketchup. Then I have a test on their Sketchup skills where I have designed a 3D canyon that my students will then have to design a bridge across. The spatial reasoning, math, and critical thinking skills that Sketchup teaches are invaluable to my students and my classes.
Another technology that I have learned to use in my classes is this one I am using now: Blogs. Before this class I had only used blogs a little bit and had not used them in my classes. After having to blog every week and developing a learning community using blogs I now realize that this tech is a great tool for digital citizenship and literacy. Blogs can be used in more ways than I realized before so now I want to use them in my classes. I have not decided how I will use blogs yet but now and in the future I will be able to find the right place to use them.
In all, I am very happy with all that I learned in this course. I love that I learned new technologies and how to use them in my classes. I also learned how to better teach new technologies using the GAME plan. So when I have to teach new techs to my students that can more easily learn them and have a greatly depth of knowledge. This was a great class that will help both me and my classes.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

GAME Plan for my students

Throughout the last few weeks I have been keeping you guys up to date on my own GAME Plan. Now that I have come so far and am reaching the end of my current course I want to start thinking about how to apply the GAME Plan process to my students. To remind you all, a GAME plan is an action plan to learn a new technology or skill. GAME stands for Goal, Action, Monitor and Evaluate. This is a pretty good method for students to be able to learn something new. In my class I like to teach my kids new technologies so that in the future when they need to learn a new technology they know how to do it and a GAME plan is perfect for that.
The two technologies that I teach that are the hardest to learn are Google Earth and Google Sketchup. Both of these require spacial thinking skills and the ability to learn new software characteristics. If I teach my students the GAME plan method before they begin these new techs I think they will learn the skill of learning new techs much faster. I want to put together a short lecture and PowerPoint on the GAME plan method like the one in "Promoting Self Directed Learning with Technology" (Cennamo, 2010). Just 10 of 15 mins of how-to use a GAME plan should help my students organize their thought processes and give them more patience with the new tech.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Here is another update on my GAME plan:
What have I done that I can apply to instructional practice? What goals am I still working towards?
This past week I have been learning more and more about how to use Google's Sketchup. The new quarter at my school starts this next week and with it starts my Technology Education class where we delve into a lot of engineering concepts. Sketchup is the perfect tool to combine the ideas and skills we learn about in the classroom with technology. My favorite part of the program is how user friendly it is. I can show my students how to use it in about 5 mins and then they can self teach the rest. Once they are done with their plans they can print out images of their structure from multiple angles or they can e-mail it to me through our Google Apps school account.
What new learning goals will I set for myself?
I do not think I will set any new goals right now because I am still working deeper into my current ones. I have new classes starting with the new quarter so I want to find more new techs to use with these classes. Also I have a possibility of going to another school and doing a professional development training with them that would fit perfectly with my PD goal.
How will I extend what I have learned so far?
I need to work out plan with this new school's principal so I can get into his school. I know I have the skills to teach his teachers and they need to know what I can teach so we need to work it all out. Then I need to come up with a plan for what I am going to teach and work out the logistics.
For my new technologies goal I am going to be looking for new techs and ways to implement them into my new classes this quarter.
What new learning approaches will I try next time to improve my learning?
I think that in the last couple of weeks my progress towards my goals is really speeding up so I don't really want to change anything. With the new quarter I am naturally looking at improving my classes so that will push me even more. I have found a few new things that have a lot of promise in the last two weeks so I want to follow through with these and then keep finding new leads because my GAME plan is working really well right now.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What I have learned

Another week, another update on my progress towards my GAME Plan

How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

My actions in my GAME plan were the only thing that helped me accomplish what I have so far. If I stuck to my normal routine I probably would have never set these goals or taken any actions to complete them. Without me taking specific and purposeful actions I would not have learned the things I have so far.
What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?

One of the things that I have learned and want to play around with more before using in my classroom is SketchUp. I just found it on Google for free and what to use it in the coming weeks for my class. Has anyone used this program before? Its kind of complicated and I would love some help.
What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?

I still would like to do more with wikis, Google Apps and blogs. I know a fair amount in each of these techs but I would like to know more about how to use them in my instruction. For example, I would like to use blogs but don't have a good way to get everyone to subscribe to each other or how to get them all signed up because they don't all have e-mail. this is where I would like your suggestions. Does anyone use these in your instruction?
How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

One thing I have really learned is how a community of educators can be helpful in reaching my goals. Originally I just decided to reach my goals with webinars and helping do more professional development at my school. But I have found that all of my readers and fellow students are a great resource for new tech and its uses. So keep the ideas coming!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Half-time of the GAME Plan

For this week's post I wanted to update you guys again as to my progress with my GAME Plan. Just a reminder that my goals for my GAME Plan are focused on doing more professional development for my fellow staff mates and to find new technologies to use in my classroom. I have four questions that I will use to updates you.
Are you finding the information and resources you need?
For my professional development goal I have tons of stuff that I want to share with my colleagues. I wish I had more formal opportunities to share them because then I feel I could make a big difference. As for finding new technologies for my classroom I have been experimenting with a few new ones but I have not found one I want to use for sure yet.
Do you need to modify your action plan?
I think my action plan is going well right now so I don't want to tweak it right now.
What have you learned so far?
This last week I learned that I can do more professional development at my school one on one. A secretary was struggling with how to communicate some weekly events with the other staff. I then spent the next 30 mins showing her how to use her Google Calendar better and how to create events to send out. She was so happy with what I had to share that I want to find new opportunities to do one on one trainings.
What new questions have arisen?
One question I have for all of you to help me out with is any technologies you have learned about that are good to use for education. I know most of my readers are in education so any suggestions would be great. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Keeping up with the GAME Plan

As follow up to my GAME Plan post from last week I will give you an update on how I am doing. To guide this post I will use the following three questions:

What resources will you need to carry out your plan (video, reading, experts or colleagues, etc)?

The main resources I will use are Dicovery Educators Network (DEN), ISTE, and my school's Tech Committee. I have signed up for a webinar coming in the following weeks with DEN. The webinar is on all the updates to the DEN and to Discovery Education streaming. I am excited about this because both resources are really cool and they always make lots of updates during the summer. For my professional development plan I am working with my Tech Committee to develop a training on Google Apps. We have a training staff meeting scheduled for Monday, Sept. 27th. At the training I will be teaching how to use GMail as an educator.
What additional information do you need?

The webinar I have signed up for is something I can't really prepare for or need anything for. The Tech Committee training though I need to prepare a lot for. I personally use GMail for my e-mail and know lots of tricks including themes and labs. I will be watching the Google Apps for Education training videos though to learn new tricks. I actually meet the lady this summer that designed these training videos so I know they have lots of good ideas. Then I need to make a plan for my part of the presentation. Does anyone have any tips for GMail or any other Google Apps?
What steps have you been able to take so far?

So far I have been able to sign-up for the webinar and see an brief description of what will be going on during the webinar. For Google Apps I have been using several of them for years so I have lots of background information to build on. This prior knowledge will be great to teach to my fellow teachers so that they can be more effective at their job.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


As part of my latest class Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas I had to look into International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and National Education Technology Standards (NETS). I have know about ISTE for a while through my colleagues and this summer I had the chance to go to their national conference here in Denver. There I learned more about their NETS program and how they set standards for different levels. As part of my class I have chosen two NETS for teachers that I would like to advance my skills in. The first NET-T I choose was #1 facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity and the second was #5 engage in professional growth and leadership (, 2010).
To promote my learning in these NETS-T I will follow the Goal Action Monitor Evaluate method (Cennamo, 2010). My goal will be to find new technologies to use in my classroom to promote creativity and my second goal is to take more of an active role in my school's Technology Committee. My action to achieve both of these goals will be to take part in several webinars to find new ideas to use. Next I will monitor my goals by doing monthly self reviews. Lastly I will evaluate these goals by using my school's librarian to pitch my ideas to. If they are good she will let me know.
In all taking part in webinars will help me become a better teacher by fostering creativity and help my school by bringing new ideas to our Technology Committee.
Cennamo, Katherine. "Promoting Self-Directed Learning with Technology." (Walden University, 2010)